Statement software for data on the web community

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The amount of data available on the web is growing every day. A lot of very good ideas and initiatives are available to make this data available. Using these ideas and initiatives can drastically improve the way in which the available data can be used. The Software for Data on the Web Community aims to ensure that data on the web can be made available in such a way that any potential user can easily access the data, and obtain the highest possible value from the data.


In order to achieve its ambition the community wants to:

  • Support, promote and actively contribute to the creation of software to publish, visualize and maintain data on the web;
  • Improve the ease of use and value of the software, by creating a community of potential users;
  • Support, promote and actively contribute to the openness of the software: its ease of use and value for potential users.

The Community

The community is an open platform for collaboration. Everyone that contributes to the community and supports its objectives and ambition, is welcome. This includes both organizations and individuals. Both governmental and commercial organizations are welcome to join the community. The community is a collaboration without a legal status. Many communities already exist for particular concepts and ideas, like the API community, the Linked Data community and existing W3C community groups. The Software for Data on the Web Community promotes the membership of these existing communities, along with membership of the Software for Data on the Web Community. The Community focusses on the creation of software for publishing data on the web, and actively wants to share knowledge with these communities by combined memberships.

The results

Primary focus of the community is the creation of software. Sharing knowledge and community meetings will always be centered around this topic. Contribution of software to the community is supported. The community wants to be a “safe haven” for the software and its creators. Ownership of the software remains with the owners, but transfer to the community is also possible. The community prefers open source licenses to promote wide-scale use, and licenses that promote further development that can be made available to community.

Part 2 (in Dutch)

by-laws data on the web software community