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Regel 8: Regel 8:
|Elementtypebron=NORA v3.0
|Elementtypebron=NORA v3.0
|Kennismodel=Kennismodel NORA
|Elementtype-eigenschappen=ID, Stelling, Rationale,
|Elementtype-eigenschappen=ID, Stelling, Rationale,
Uit ArchiMate: "In principle, an end can represent anything a stakeholder may desire, such as a state of affairs, or a produced value. Examples of goals are: to increase profit, to reduce waiting times at the helpdesk, or to introduce on-line portfolio management.
Uit ArchiMate: "In principle, an end can represent anything a stakeholder may desire, such as a state of affairs, or a produced value. Examples of goals are: to increase profit, to reduce waiting times at the helpdesk, or to introduce on-line portfolio management.

Goals are generally expressed using qualitative words; e.g., “increase”, “improve”, or “easier”. Goals can also be decomposed; e.g., “increase profit” can be decomposed into the goals “reduce cost” and “increase sales”. However, it is also very common to associate concrete objectives with goals, which can be used to describe both the quantitative and time-related measures which are essential to describe the desired state, and when it should be achieved."
Goals are generally expressed using qualitative words; e.g., “increase”, “improve”, or “easier”. Goals can also be decomposed; e.g., “increase profit” can be decomposed into the goals “reduce cost” and “increase sales”. However, it is also very common to associate concrete objectives with goals, which can be used to describe both the quantitative and time-related measures which are essential to describe the desired state, and when it should be achieved."

Versie van 13 feb 2015 15:19


KennismodelKennismodel NORA
DefinitieEen doel is een door een belanghebbende gewenste eindsituatie.
Primaire categorieDoelenDe eigenschap “Elementtypecategorie” (als paginatype) met de invoerwaarde “{{#elementtypecategorylink: Doelen }}” bevat ongeldige tekens of is onvolledig en kan daarom onverwachte resultaten veroorzaken tijdens een opvraag- of annotatieproces.
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BronNORA v3.0
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Toegestane eigenschappen

EigenschappenID, Stelling, Rationale

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Uit ArchiMate: "In principle, an end can represent anything a stakeholder may desire, such as a state of affairs, or a produced value. Examples of goals are: to increase profit, to reduce waiting times at the helpdesk, or to introduce on-line portfolio management.

Goals are generally expressed using qualitative words; e.g., “increase”, “improve”, or “easier”. Goals can also be decomposed; e.g., “increase profit” can be decomposed into the goals “reduce cost” and “increase sales”. However, it is also very common to associate concrete objectives with goals, which can be used to describe both the quantitative and time-related measures which are essential to describe the desired state, and when it should be achieved."